Promo Videos Slideshows

Promote your business videos on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Yelp, Vimeo, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn Groups, TripAdvisor…

Promo Videos & Slideshows Services

Promote your business through promotional videos  and slideshows on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Yelp, Vimeo, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn Groups, TripAdvisor…

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How videos are changing the advertising world

These days, I find myself in a situation wherein I am dedicating half of my waking hours scrolling through facebook, twitter, instagram, and youtube. The other half? I’m either binge watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine for probably the tenth time or exploring new youtube videos ranging from satisfying cleaning videos to lifestyle and fashion vlogs. Promo videos and slideshows are becoming more popular in the digital world.

But the takeaway here is that like me, I am sure that you are also spending a lot more time on social media. It’s undeniable that we are totally diving into the world of digital media as we spend less time for physical interactions (not that we have a choice here) and more on bubble conversations. Even consumerism has also shifted from brightly-coloured department stores enticing us to a whole new gallery of products we can buy in just one click thanks to online shopping.

This has shaped and changed the world of advertising for brands and industries. Today, social media posts are more crucial than ever as they serve as the brand’s bridge to their audience. The goal of these advertisements is to stop people on their tracks from scrolling and actually take the time to read more about the product or service and even hopefully avail it as well.

But with the plethora of distractions online and not to mention the goldfish attention span of most people (like me), it’s getting harder to catch the attention of viewers.

Video advertising came in as a game changer to this problem.

According to statistics, organic engagement on video advertisements is higher and more effective than photos, prints, or other ad styles combined. In fact, 80% of users can recall a video ad they’ve seen in the past month!

It’s a helpful tool to introduce your brand, create a narrative with the use of both texts and moving objects to keep viewers entertained enough to stay and watch the whole promotional video.

Another interesting fact is that 85% of millennials say they’ve made a purchase after viewing a marketing video. This just shows how effective video advertisements are.

For example in the baking industry, as a prospect buyer, I would definitely be more engaged with a video of you making that scrumptious cookies than just a simple photo of it.


Because the video brings in the experience for me long before I’ve held the cookies in my hands and tasted it. There is a certain appeal of knowing how your food is made. Also, it gives a sense of depth and reality to the product that makes me want to eat it. The same goes for coffees, cupcakes, or basically just any food.

As an avid fan of lifestyle and fashion, video ads for clothing boutiques perk my interest more than just an aesthetic instagram post. It’s mainly because seeing dresses in real life gives me an idea of its fit and how it looks. You see how the fabric clings through different movements and gives you a general idea whether you would look good in it or not.

Even industries like finances and others that don’t seem like they’d need a video promotion needs one. It’s not easy to engage viewers to your brand and service when your content is heavy on jargons and technical or too tacky for written content. The best way to tell your ideas is by churning the jargons into more digestible content presented through visuals. According to a study, viewers retain 90% of the information when they watch it in a video compared to the 10% when reading it as text.

The goal of advertisements is not just to simply let viewers notice your brand, it’s also to make them remember you in a sea of other products and services.

So in order to engage your audience, make sure that you keep your promo videos under a minute, long enough to tell your story but short enough for viewers to finish the promotional video. Be consistent with your branding. Put more personality but not to a point of awkwardness that you’re struggling just to stand out.

Last piece: add humor. The world is too sad and lonely with everything that’s happening and making people smile and laugh is always a guaranteed way of making them never forget you!